This image is a fragment of the lamp mess I made ​​with recovered clothesline wire, rolled and painted. The bulb is silver plated and is on This lamp consists of a tangle of rusty wire, suspended from the top with the light fixture wire wrapped in hemp rope Lagranja consists of a restored antique lamp base, and a Gold brass tube of an electrical installation and acrylic dome. A large bulb is the A pair of floor lamps to place. Trapezoidal spherical geometric pieces of fiber material. Recuperades pieces of furniture lanterns antigues A lamp made ​​from a frame of old carpentry, painting with different capes, light is backlit with LEDs Two lamps twins, based formades tubular metal profile, which were the feet join the stable structure. Based lighting vertical linestras This lamp consists of a tangle of rusty wire, the light source is a gold-plated bulb suspended in a thin red This lamp consists of a tangle of rusty wire, suspended from the top with the light fixture wire wrapped in hemp rope This lamp consists of a tangle of rusty wire, the light source is a gold-plated bulb suspended in a thin red
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FoundCre LAMPS